“Domestic abuse is a disease passed person to person and from parent to child. Victims and abusers alike are not often aware of that they carry this disease or how to cure themselves.”
Jonathan Kraut
How common is Domestic Abuse
Domestic violence, also known as intimate partner abuse is defined as:
A childish, selfish pattern of behavior where personal and emotional satisfaction is acquired by an abuser as a result of harming, manipulating, or tormenting a partner or a family member.
“On average, a person in the U.S. is abused every 9 seconds”
DV affects about one third of all adults during their lifetime
An abuser typically receives satisfaction from demeaning, belittling, insulting, controlling, punishing, or manipulating his or her partner
Typically, abusers blame anything gone wrong (even if imaginary) on the partner and makes the partner responsible for how they feel
Victims blame themselves for how their partners feel and take responsibility for making their partners happy (which is never achieved)
Abusers falsely accuse the victim of wrongdoing
Victims cover up abuse by their partner
The 24 Hour U.S. National Hotline is:
(800) 799-7233