Signs of a Victim Survey

25 Questions

Should take 3 minutes or less

The intent of this survey is not to dispense legal nor medical advice or to render a psychological diagnosis. The intent rather is to offer information of a general nature and help inform survey participants regarding behavioral traits and patterns. Should at any time a risk of exposure to danger be present, it is strongly recommended that law enforcement or the appropriate government agency be contacted for assistance.

This survey is completely anonymous- we do not collect any contact data from survey participants unless you subscribe to our newsletters and videos.

Have you ever felt responsible for causing the bad behavior of a close friend or romantic partner?
Yes  No

Do you forgive the misconduct of others easily?
Yes  No

Have you ever provided alcohol, prescription drugs, or illegal drugs to your partner while he or she was too drunk or too high to safely obtain these items for themselves?
Yes  No

Do you accept occasional heated domestic disputes and arguments as normal behavior?
Yes  No

Are you completely equal to your partner in every way regarding decisions and choices?
Yes  No

Have you ever felt guilty for how your partner acted?
Yes  No

Are you easily ashamed or embarrassed?                                
Yes  No

Do you have regrets and guilt about your own past behavior?
Yes  No

Are there times when you feel insecure and uncertain about how to make someone happy?
Yes  No

Do you demand being treated with the utmost respect by your partner, all members of your family, and all your friends at all times?
Yes  No

Do you feel obligated to be in a relationship and to keep finding a way to stay together although at times your partner is abusive, puts you down, or tries to control your actions?
Yes  No

Have you ever been afraid to confront a person who was stalking you?
Yes  No

Have you ever stayed in a relationship, even for one day, after being deeply insulted, hit, or abused by your partner?
Yes  No

Did you ever feel a high degree of anxiety by being with a partner, afraid to make a mistake, or to do something wrong?
Yes  No

Do you feel a man’s and woman’s role in the home includes to be respected exactly equally in every way?
Yes  No

Have you ever been afraid to end a relationship for fear of being punished?
Yes  No

Have you ended a relationship only to find yourself with someone who had similar problems as you had with your ex?
Yes  No

Do you accept in a relationship that typically one partner is more dominant and the other is more subordinate?
Yes  No

Have you ever decided not to call the police/911 after being physically abused or after witnessing the physical abuse of another person, a child, or a pet animal?
Yes  No

Have you ever felt controlled or “owned as property” by your partner?
Yes  No

Have you lied to cover-up the misconduct of a partner or family member?
Yes  No

Have you ever excepted blame for another person's misconduct?
Yes  No

Do you feel stalking behavior is permissible if the target of stalking is very attractive and good looking?
Yes  No

Do you believe that being "in love" permits obsessive behavior?
Yes  No

Has your partner held money, credit cards, your driver license/ID card, car, or children as hostages if you don't cooperate?
Yes  No

